We are pleased that the FCI has given the VDH the honorable and ambitious task of hosting the World Dog Show 2017. The World Dog Show will take place in Leipzig from November 9 – 12, 2017 and be the seventh World Dog show held in Germany.
The day before the World Dog Show, the VDH will hold the German Winner Show on 8 November 2017 in the same location. The number of entries for the German Winner Show which takes place on the day before the World Dog Show in Leipzig is limited to 6.500 dogs and that number has now been reached.
There are logistical reasons for limiting the capacity of the show in the interests of both exhibitors and judges. As organisers, we want to make sure that each judge has enough time for the dogs and that every exhibitor has enough space around the rings.
This is a high number of participating dogs for a one-day-show. Surprisingly we reached the number before the second entry deadline and regret that there are no more entries possible for the German Winner Show.
For the World Dog Show entries are still possible and we welcome all dog lovers to join this outstanding show in the middle of Europe.
The VDH thanks exhibitors for this tremendous show of support and looks forward to staging a memorable event.
Specialty Shows in Leipzig
Within the framework of the World Dog Show several
specialty dog shows will take place in the area of Leipzig so you have the opportunity to join two shows with your dog in one week.
Parking & Caravan Spaces close to the fairground
The VDH is happy to stage the World Dog Show at one of the largest and most modern exhibition sites in Europe - the Leipzig Trade Fair. The fairground offers 15.000 parking spaces and
1.800 caravan spaces (
order form) close to the halls. Leipzig lies in the heart of Europe and offers outstanding transport services with an excellent motorway network.
As a city of culture, Leipzig is itself also a touristic highlight. In the historical city centre the unique arcades and trading courts, the modern shops and the railway station mall at this major railway terminus are a real treat for those wanting to shop or those who enjoy a wander around.
Get an impression of the fairground and the city of Leipzig:
Watch the video
Leipzig will be a festival for the dogs and we warmly invite you to join in the celebrations!