Tracking field
The tracking work will be performed on fields (acres). For all participants the terrain should be equal.
The tracking fields are in a wide agricultural terrain about 10 km from the stadium.
Images from the tracking field
Laying of the tracks
The laying of tracks is done in normal walk. The corners will not be marked. The start of the track is not heavily tread. Replacement tracks will be layed. The articles will not be put down in any given sequence.
Articles on track
The objects are made of
- Leather
- Wood
- Carpet
and they are presented on the website of the event. The objects are from the Schweikert Company. The signpost and articles will be provided by the organizers.
Sending of articles before the event to teams is not intended.
Tracking pattern and length
According to regulations of IPO the length of the track will be about 600 paces. Shortening of the tracks is not intended. The tracklayers do have a lot of experience and will be supervised by the responsible person for the tracks. The tracking patterns will vary according IPO regulations. If the terrain allows, the first article will be put down about 100 paces on the first leg. If it is impossible, the first article will be lay on the second leg.
Transportation to the tracking fields – Control of the tracking leashes
The chosen tracking fields are about 10 km from the stadium.
The participants will drive with their own vehicles, leaded by a guide to the meeting point – Clubhouse DVG Rheine-Altenrheine 1936, Franz-Bernhard-Str. 82, 48432 Rheine. There the tracking leash will be controlled for correct length and the leash will be marked. The tracking can only be performed with this marked lesh. After this procedure the team-leaders and handlers will be guided to the tracking fields.
In the tracking fields you can get drinks (warm/cold), snacks, rolls, sausages, cake and about noon also lunch.