Breed Specific Instructions
The VDH Board has put into effect the Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) for all shows. The BSI contain recommendations to the judge to observe the breed specific risk areas and to consider problems and functionality in these areas. They are a supplement to the breed standard, which describes breed-specific characteristics and behavior.
One of the tasks of a judge is to prevent over-typing and health-endangering effects in breeds. This must be taken into account in the show ring, where high awards for appropriate breed representatives are avoided and instead specimens with the optimal combination of breed type and health and functionality are awarded.
The breeds listed in the BSI were selected based on the estimated risk of health-threatening exaggerations of breed characteristics and possible misleading interpretation of the standard.
It is not a static guide to the listed evaluation criteria and breed selection. Rather, the BSI are a dynamic tool that we would like to constantly develop together. Suggestions from the judges, the breed clubs and the Scientific Advisory Board are very welcome and will be incorporated into the BSI. The judges have to fill out a questionnaire for the breeds listed in the BSI after the evaluation and submit it to the VDH via the Ringsteward.
Our goal with the BSI is to continue to see healthy purebred dogs in the show ring without health-threatening exaggerations and thus to ensure the future existence of our breeds.
VDH Breed Specific Instructions
VDH Breed Specific Instructions Form