Dr. Marie Abitbol
Born 1974 in France
Mail: m.abitbol (at) vet-alfort.fr
Veterinary diploma, 1999, Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine, France
Master degree in human genetics, 2000, Paris-6 University, France
University degree in mouse genetics, 2001, Institut Pasteur, France
University degree in medical statistics, 2001, Paris-7 University, France
PhD in human genetics, 2004, Institut Pasteur and Paris-7 University, France HDR habilitation in animal medical genetics, 2014, Créteil University, France
Academic career
2006- Associate professor in medical genetics at the Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine (ENVA)
2005-2006: Assistant professor in medical genetics at ENVA
2001-2005: Contractual assistant professor in molecular genetics at ENVA
Professional activities
Principal investigator in equine, feline and canine genetics
Teacher in molecular and medical genetics
Creator and head of the genetic veterinary consultation of the Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine, France
At the UMR955 INRA-ENVA of Functional and Medical Genetics, Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine, Maisons-Alfort, France
Identification of molecular bases accounting for several inherited morphological or morbidity traits in animals. These include a feline cardiomyopathy, polydactylies in horses and cats, coat colour and texture variants in cats and donkeys and cerebellar ataxias in dogs.
Cynological work
Identification of the mutation underlying cerebellar ataxia in American Staffordshire terriers (published PNAS, 2010)
Co-author of 2 book sections (Inherited canine ocular diseases, Dog breeding)
Author of 24 professional articles for veterinarians and breeders
Genetic expert for the French Kennel Club (SCC)
Author of expertise reports for the French Kennel Club (SCC)
Referee for papers in the field of animal genetics
Invited speaker for radio and TV shows in the field of feline and canine genetics
Dr Göran Bodegård MD PhD
CV Dr Göran Bodegård MD PhD
Paediatrician, child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.
Former director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Karolinska Stockholm Sweden.
Thesis for doctorate: Mechanoreceptor regulation of breathing in newborn children.
Scientific publications in the fields of Respiratory regulation in newborns, Inborn errors of metabolism, Screenings in newborns, Child Oncology, Child abuse, Psychiatric disturbances and failing health in refugee children; original description of a specific rare stress reaction Depressive devitalisation ( Pervasive Refusal Syndrome) in refugee children, Medical Ethics, medical student education in doctor-patient relation and more.
Awarded the The Crisis and Trauma Clinic’s 20th anniversary prize of honour for treatment and scientific achievements regarding “apathetic refugee children” in a thwarting social political atmosphere. Expert in the UNICEF.
First dog ( a deerhound) at 13 years of age, was taught basic cynologic know-how in England, bred deerhounds and since 1966 bred/co bred greyhounds which have had a profound international influence, latest litter 2012.
Judging dogs since 1966 - international all-round judge since 1996 with experience from all over the world; repeatedly judging at prestigious shows like FCI World Dog Shows, Australian Royal Shows, English CC shows including Crufts, AKC-Eukanuba championship and more.
Member of the Central Board of the Swedish Kennel club. Entrusted with the leadership for the BSI project ( breed Specific Instructions regarding exaggerations in pedigree dogs) aiming at influencing showing and breeding away from breed type related exaggerations in pedigree dogs threatening health and thus establishing integration of excellent breed type with soundness.
Prof. Dr. Brenda Bonnett
Current residence: Georgian Bluffs, Ontario, Canada
email: bbonnett@uoguelph.ca
PhD Epidemiology, University of Guelph, Canada, 1988
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Guelph, Canada, 1979
BSc University of Guelph, Canada, 1975
Veterinary, Academic and Consulting Career (highlights)
2005-now Epidemiology Consultant, B Bonnett Consulting
1987-2004 Associate Professor, with tenure (final rank), Dept. of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Canada,
1998-1999 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SLU, Sweden
1983-1985 Residency in Theriogenology (animal reproduction); Clinical faculty, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
1979-1983 Veterinarian, private practice
Award (recent)
2014 Saki Paatsama Award for Canine Health.
Research (main areas; over 70 papers publish in refereed journals)
Population-based statistics on health and disease, especially in companion animals, for example.
Vilson, Å., Bonnett, B., et al.. Disease patterns in 32,486 insured German Shepherd Dogs in Sweden: 1995-2006. Vet Rec. 2013 Aug 3;173(5):116. Epub 2013 Jun 29.
Bonnett BN, Egenvall AE. Age patterns of disease and death in insured Swedish dogs, cats and horses. J Comp Pathol. 2010 Jan;142 Suppl 1:S33-8. Epub 2009
Hedhammar ÅA, Malm S, Bonnett B. International and collaborative strategies to enhance genetic health in purebred dogs. Vet J. 2011 Aug;189(2):189-96.
Malm S, Fikse F, Egenvall A, Bonnett BN, et al. Association between radiographic assessment of hip status and subsequent incidence of veterinary care and mortality related to hip dysplasia in insured Swedish dogs. Prev Vet Med. 2009 Oct 8.
Veterinary Communication / Human Animal Interactions
Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests
Clinical and Practice-based Research
Consulting projects, including cynological work
Concept initiator and Project Leader, International Partnership for Dogs and DogWellNet.com: project on Dog Health, Well-being and Welfare with national and international kennel clubs and stakeholders in the dog world.
Agria Insurance, Sweden, (On-going)
Updated statistics on dogs; Dog Breed Profiles project
Cat Breed Profiles
American Humane Association: Facilitator, Cat Welfare Forum, Orlando, Florida, Sept. 2013; and Keeping Pets (Dogs and Cats) in Homes: A Three-Phase Retention Study
Workshop leader, International Dog Health Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2012.
Epidemiology for: LUPA (Unravelling common human diseases using dog genetics)
2010: Lead Scientist, Morris Animal Foundation, Canine Lifetime Health Project (now called Golden Retriever Lifetime Study (GRLS))
Presentations and workshops (a few examples)
2010-2014: talks to breeders, breed clubs, national kennel clubs, FCI General Committee and General Assembly, dog judges, pet industry representatives, humane groups and veterinary conferences in, e.g. Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Denmark, USA, UK, Canada, Mexico.
Book Chapters (co-author, for example)
Selective Breeding, in Companion Animal Ethics: Sandoe, P, et al. (in preparation).
Epidemiology and the Evidence-Based Medicine Approach, in Withrow and Vail / Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 5th Edition. Saunders, 2012.
Dog Breeder
Bred one litter of Rhodesian Ridgebacks; showed one bitch to her championship; one puppy sold to the USA became a ROM bitch (Chenget’s Beautiful Obsession).
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg T. Epplen
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg T. Epplen, specialist for human genetics
Ruhr university, 44780 Bochum, Germany
phone: 0234/3222389;
fax 0234/3214196
email: joerg.t.epplen[at]rub[.]de
homepage: http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mhg/
- 1971-1977: Medical studies Freiburg, Germany
- 1977-1980: Post-doc in human genetics, Göttingen, Germany
- 1980-1983: City of Hope Research Institute, Duarte (CA, USA)
- 1983-1991: Group leader, Max-Planck institutes Freiburg and Munich, Germany
- since 1991: Chair for human genetics (Ruhr university Bochum, Germany)
- 1995: FRD/Humboldt research award (South Africa); research in Cape town, SA
- 1999: distinguished professor award, University Western Australia; research in Perth, AU
- 2004, 2005: invited lecture series in Argentina: Buenos Aires, Santiago del Estero, Tucuman
- 2010-2012: speaker of the International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN), Bochum
- since 2014 speaker Centre for rare diseases Ruhr
> 500 Publications in the fields of genetics and heredity, biochemistry and molecular biology, immunology, clinical neurology and neurosciences as well as others
(Co/-) editor
DNA- fingerprinting: state of the science (Birkhäuser) 1993
3rd conference on DNA fingerprinting (VCH) 1995
4th, 5th conference on DNA fingerprinting (Wiley-VCH) 1997, 1999
DNA fingerprinting/profiling (Birkhäuser) 1999
Section editor
BMC Medical Genetics (BioMed Central)
Molecular and Cellular Probes (Elsevier)
Reviewer for research grant agencies (USA, Australia, EC, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain)
Prof. Dr. Martin S. Fischer
Prof. Dr. Martin S. Fischer
Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Telephone: Int. +49-3641-949140
Fax: Int. +49-3641-949142
Erbertstr. 1, D-07743 Jena
e-mail: Martin.Fischer[at]uni-jena[.]de
Born July 10, 1954 in Reutlingen, Germany
Telephone: Int. +49-3641448393
Diploma Biology, University of Tübingen, Germany, 1983
Dr. rer.nat., Zoology, University of Tübingen, Germany, 1986
Habilitation Zoology, University of Tübingen, Germany, 1993
Academic career
Assistant professor
1986-1987 Zentrum der Morphologie (Abt. Prof. Dr. W. Maier), Humanantomisches Institut, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe – Universität Frankfurt am Main
1987 – 1993 Zoologisches Institut der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Lehrstuhl Spezielle Zoologie (Prof. Dr. W. Maier)
University professor
since 1.11.1993 Lehrstuhl für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie der Friedrich – Schiller – Universität
Director of the Institute for Systematic Zoology and evolutionary Research and Director of the Phyletisches Museum at the Friedrich – Schiller – University Jena
Director of the Frankfurter Zoo 1992
Director general of the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2004
Research (main areas)
Functional morphology of motion systems
Evolutionary biology of vertebrates
Intelligent mechanics – body brain interaction
Faculty and University (in selection)
Dean 2000 – 2003
Senator 2003 – 2005
Cynological work (in Selection)
Member of the scientific council of the VDH
Studies on motion of dogs
Studies on genetics of various breeds
Studies on bite force and mastication of dogs
Invited speaker at the centennial of the in Bruxelles
Two dog academies per year for VDH
several invited lectures and workshops at veterinarian congresses
Prof. Dr. Peter Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Peter Friedrich
Born on the 22 July 1958 in Mainz Married with Heide Friedrich
Education and Profession
Studies in Psychology and Biology
Professor for Psychology and Criminology
Professional Key Activities
Analysis of extremely violent actions,
especially cases of murder
in the context of investigations
when the offender is unidentified,
in the context of interrogation and questioning
of accused, suspects and witnesses,
in the context of court cases,
in the context of prevention
Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub
since 1980
Deutscher Windhundzucht- und Rennverband
since 2000
Deutscher Doggen Club 1888
since 2005
Working Judge (IPO, FH, BH) since 1990
Specialist Breed Judge since 2008
Rottweiler, Australian Cattle Dog,
Greyhound, Whippet, Irish Wolfhound,
Deerhound, Saluki, Sloughi, Azawakh,
Magyar Agár, Pharaoh Hound and some others
Best IPO3 - Trial 297 Points
Best FH2 - Trial 100 Points
Großes Hundeführer-Sportabzeichen mit Kranz of the German Kennel Club (VDH) 1989
President of the
German Kennel Club (VDH) since 2009
Head of the Breeding Board of the German Sighthound Breeding and Racing Society 2008 - 2011
Rottweiler "vom Sternbogen"
together with Elvira and Reinhold Mühle and Manfred Mayer
Tahuara's Greyhounds and Sloughis
Owner: Heide Friedrich (Teamwork)
Aimee Llewellyn
Born 1979 in USA
Mail: aimee.llewellyn (at) thekennelclub.org.uk
Associate of Science, 2000, Cottey College, Missouri, USA
B. Sc.(Hons) Environmental Science, 2004, University of Hertfordshire, England
PhD, current, University of Nottingham, England
Academic career
2002-2003 Botanical Illustrator and taxonomist, Euphorbiaceae illustrated taxonomic key development, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England
2004-2007 Senior Scientific Assistant, Metabolomics, Rothamsted Research, Hertfordshire, England
2008-2011 Research Scientist/Post-doc (non-PhD), Metabolomics an Crop Improvement, Rothamsted Research, Hertfordshire, England
Professional Activities
2003 Field work for botanical sample identification and collection, for Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sri Lanka
Husbandry, 15+ years’ experience working with Hertford and Hertford x Red Angus beef cattle
2011 Ward, J.L, Baker, J.M., Llewellyn, A.M., Hawkins, N.D. and Beale, M.H. Metabolomic analysis of Arabidopsis reveals hemiterpenoid glycosides as products of a nitrate ion regulated carbon flux safety valve, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
2011 Hodge, S., Ward, J.L., Galster, A.M., Beale, M.H. and Powell, G. The effects of a plant defence priming compound, - aminobutyric acid, on multitrophic interactions with an insect herbivore and a hymenopterous parasitoid. Biocontrol.
2010 Lowe, R.G.T, Allwood, J.W., Galster, A.M., Urban, M., Daudi, A., Canning, G., Ward J.L., Beale, M.H., Hammond-Kosack, K.E., A combined H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis to understand the basal metabolism of plant-pathogenic fusarium spp. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 23:1605-1618
2010 Galster, A.M., Lewis, J., Miller, S.J., Corol, D-I, Beale, M.H., Ward, J.L., Tissue Preparation Using Arabidopsis. In Plant Metabolomics, Methods in Molecular Biology Series.
2010 Lowe et. al, A combined 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis to understand the basal metabolism of plant-pathogenic fusarium spp. MPMI.
2008 Howarth et al. Coordinated expression of amino acid metabolism pathway genes in response to N and S-deficiency during wheat grain filling. Plant Physiology
2006 Humphrey et al. Strigolactones in chemical ecology: waste products of vital alleochemicals?, Nat. Prod. Rep.
2006 Galster et al. Using 1H NMR to study the metabolomics profile over the life cycle of Arabidopsis thaliana, Presented at the 4th Metabolomics Society Conference, Reading, England
2006, and 2002 Hoffmann et al. Interactive Key to Genera of Euphorbiaceae sensu lato. Illustrations by Llewellyn, A.M., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England
Cytological Work
Genetics expert and health information manager for The Kennel Club
Author of several papers and articles for veterinary professionals, dog breeders, and dog owners
Lecturing and/or talks on canine health and genetics for: British Small Animal Veterinary Association, British Veterinary Nurse Association, various Breed Clubs, Breeder Education Days (Kennel Club/Royal Canine), various veterinary universities for students
Committee membership on various internal and external committees of the Kennel Club, British Veterinary Association, and Animal Health Trust
Active collaborative research/support with several UK universities and the Kennel Club Genetics Centre at the Animal Health Trust
Editorial Board Member, Canine Genetics and Epidemiology
Prof. Erling Strandberg
Professor Erling Strandberg
- Born May 26, 1957 in Laholm, Sweden
- Telephone: Int. +46 70 620 4516
- Master of Science in Agriculture (Animal Science) Swedish Univ Agricultural Sciences, SLU 1982
- Master of Science (Dairy Science) Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983
- PhD in Animal Breeding (AgrD) SLU, 1991.
Academic career
- Associate professor (Docent) SLU, 1997.
- Professor in animal breeding and genetics, 2003.
Research (main areas)
- Animal breeding and genetics with applications in several species, mainly cattle, horses and dogs.
Cynological work
- Studies on genetics of diseases and behavior in various dog breeds.
Book „Dogs in Motion”
“Dogs in Motion” explores the locomotion of dogs in a highly scientific yet easily accessible manner. An innovative illustrative style brings the dog anatomy to life and makes clear the way in which the skeleton, the muscles and locomotion fit together.