Export Certificate
(certification for foreign countries)


When do I need an export certificate (certification for foreign countries)?

The export certificate is a certificate issued by the VDH that is needed when a dog has to be registered with a foreign kennel club, i.e. if the dog is sold abroad.

Do I need an export certificate for every country?

Yes, an export certificate is needed for every country.

Which documents have to be submitted?

The following necessary documents have to be submitted:

  • the dog’s original pedigree
  • the address of the new owner
  • the date of purchase

Where do I have to submit the documents?

Please submit the documents to:

Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen
To the attention of Mrs. Karneil
Westfalendamm 174
D-44141 Dortmund

Is it sufficient to supply a certified copy of the dog’s pedigree certificate?

No, a certified copy of the dog's pedigree will not be accepted. The original pedigree certificate has to be submitted, because the export certificate has to be fixed on the original pedigree of the dog.

How much is the fee?

The fees for the application of the export certificate are as follows:

  • the breeder of the dog: 50,00 EUR
  • for the new owner and reseller and all other persons: 70,00 EUR

The fee must be transferred to the following bank account:

VDH Service GmbH
Sparkasse Dortmund

Account no.: 1 165 690
Bank code: 440 501 99

IBAN: DE64 4405 0199 0001 165 690

Please supply the following details with every transfer of money: export certificate/name of the applicant.

If you have any further queries please contact:

Mrs. Karneil
Tel: 0049/231/56500-29
E-Mail: karneil[at]vdh[.]de

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